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M (2024-10-13 13:11:24):

Aidan (2024-10-08 15:31:11):
it seems like anglo franco relations are really at an all time low :(

King Henry V (2024-10-07 14:26:58):
Can someone teach these piss ants and frogs to stop using contractions? The French is hard enough to read as it is.

M (2024-10-05 18:17:05):
Wittgenstein was privileged, I have imposter syndrome, and I hate bougie things. 2024 Goldsmiths Prize.

User Photo

Cian (2024-10-04 21:23:08):
In pious times, ere priest-craft did begin,
Before polygamy was made a sin;
When man, on many, multipli'd his kind,
Ere one to one was cursedly confin'd:
When Nature prompted, and no Law deni'd
Promiscuous use of concubine and bride;
Then, Israel's monarch, after Heaven's own heart,
His vigorous warmth did variously impart
To wives and slaves: and, wide as his command,
Scatter'd his Maker's image through the land.

Claude (2024-10-04 21:12:25):
Pissant, lis s'il te plaît L'Amour et l'Occident de Rougemont et finissons-en

Diya' ad-din Muhammad (2024-10-04 12:57:07):

User Photo

Cian (2024-10-03 20:46:36):

Cian (2024-10-03 20:35:18):
Pumped for Gladiator II

Cian (2024-10-03 20:33:55):
Imagine walking through a fog-filled forest with your brothers and hearing the sound of a carynx in the distance

Pissant (2024-10-03 19:58:25):
Ce n'étaient pas mes mots. C'étaient les mots de Chamfort. Une simple observation. Je suis désolé que vous ayez si peu d'estime pour les avoir postés ici, mais je n'ai aucune envie de vous débattre de leur contenu ou de mon prétendu défaitisme gestuel. Au contraire, vos mots en sont un exemple. Et ainsi de suite... Mon objectif supérieur a toujours été de féconder une belle femme qui m'aime. Mais c'est maintenant devenu une réalité banale. Nous avons maintenant nos merveilleux enfants. Je veux qu'ils soient heureux et qu'ils profitent de la vie. Je veux qu'ils tombent amoureux comme je l'ai fait autrefois de leur mère. On ne peut qu'espérer. Maintenant, j'insère un gode vibrant relativement petit dans son anus pendant les rapports sexuels et elle tremble de plaisir de manière incontrôlable. Un plaisir que je ne suis plus capable de lui donner moi-même. Bien sûr, mon pénis ne vibre pas avec une telle intensité. C'est humiliant d'être usurpé par une machine. De réaliser que ma femme est mieux servie dans la chambre à coucher par une tige en acier inoxydable. Il suffit que ce soit moi qui la tienne. Cependant, vous n'êtes seul qu'en l'absence d'un compagnon. Sans aucun compagnon pour parler, vous ne faites que rêver. C'est peut-être là votre but supérieur. Réaliser votre rêve de ne jamais vous sentir seul. Être aimé. Mais c'est banal pour moi maintenant. Je ne suis plus amoureux de l'amour. L'amour, c'est l'acceptation. L'amour, c'est permettre à nos fils et à nos filles de vivre une vie de dégénérescence. C'est un acte de lâcher prise. Tout comme il est normal de se sentir triste parfois. Vous ne devriez pas nécessairement vous en vouloir. Je suppose que c'est une question de qui vous voulez être, de comment vous voulez agir et de qui vous voulez aimer. Et ainsi de suite... Je travaillerai pour le bonheur de ma famille parce que je l'aime.

King Henry V (2024-10-03 13:07:45):
Can any of these frogs even actually read English?

mcgilchrist (2024-10-03 02:07:09):
we cannot write because our right hemispheres are not active. we have no sense of irony or style. no sense of purpose or of higher powers. we don't even believe. we don't want to. nothing we says comes true any more.

sumsare (2024-10-03 02:06:09):
I quote now from the gospel of wikipeida. During his first visit to England in 1499, he studied or taught at the University of Oxford. There is no record of him gaining any degree. Erasmus was particularly impressed by the Bible teaching of John Colet, who pursued a style more akin to the church fathers than the Scholastics. Through the influence of the humanist John Colet, his interests turned towards theology.[52] Other distinctive features of Colet's thought that may have influenced Erasmus are his pacifism,[53] reform-mindedness,[54] anti-Scholasticism and pastoral esteem for the sacrament of Confession.[55]: 94 

mrbugger (2024-10-03 02:01:30):
as to piss ant and its comment. the only thousand opposed interests present here are the many and ceaseless, tired complaints in my soul I would bear against your begrudging attitude towards the world if it were not so repellant an undertaking to me to even dignify in addressing it, that which I consider to be a merely gestural defeatism without substance or sincerity. in other words, bugger off.

sumsare (2024-10-03 01:57:36):
Shipwrecked am I, and lost, mid waters chill. this is a quotation from Erasmus. it is where I begin tonight. terribly sad and alone, it would seem that the whole world is ignorant to its task. no one knows, least of all me, how to become anyone or how to do anything. we notice this, and yet we do nothing about it. we dont want to share in great movements. dont want to take up some aim in politics or the church. life is very sad these days. it is hard to believe it is ever going to get better.

Pissant (2024-09-29 20:55:25):
La société, ce qu'on appelle le monde, n'est que la lutte de mille petits intérêts opposés, une lutte éternelle de toutes les vanités qui se croisent, se choquent, tour à tour blessées, humiliées l'une par l'autre, qui expient le lendemain, dans le dégoût d'une défaite, le triomphe de la veille.

Victore (2024-09-29 14:22:29):
cian/pissant/claude je vous adore déjà

Cian (2024-09-28 16:29:26):

Pissant (2024-09-28 14:09:47):
"C'est une pente glissante de Michelangelo à Zuckerberg." - G.W.F. Hegel, 1789

Claude (2024-09-28 13:54:43):
Marx aurait adoré cuisiner au levain

Aidan (2024-09-27 11:28:37):

Victore (2024-09-27 11:27:34):
This is a decent tree omg

Aidan (2024-09-26 19:56:56):
a tree

User Photo

Margery (2024-09-26 19:31:10):
how many names are there in the world?

Aidan (2024-09-26 19:30:41):
so, I guess the lesson is do not try to write contractions

Aidan (2024-09-26 19:30:01):
People perhaps need to be for forthcoming about who they are. Which doesn't necessarily mean they have to tell us who they are. They just need to be who they are. And who are they? I don't know. Might also make sense for all of us to wear masks of some kind. Something more ironic to that. More human.

Victore (2024-09-26 19:21:37):
test photo

User Photo

Victore (2024-09-26 19:10:48):
like in blackandwhite?

Diya' ad-din Muhammad (2024-09-26 15:50:34):
Invert the design.

foruno (2024-09-25 02:53:39):

Aidan (2024-09-24 18:17:29):
I hate victor

Vivelafrance1789 (2024-09-24 18:15:54):
Bonjour a tous

Urmom69 (2024-09-24 15:36:11):
This website sucks

Aidan (2024-09-23 21:46:36):
Fixed the bug that repeats comments. Don’t refresh the page unless you want the comment to repost.

Aidan (2024-09-23 21:25:10):
the day was grey, like it was lost somewhere. she looked up at the sky, upon the bleak edges of cloister arches, upon nothing. she had been received with some kind of reverence, and pity, though the latter made her somehow happy, the former made her ashamed. there was something so pitiable to her, she knew, and had she had any other sense of her days, something less purposeless, she might have wandered less and yearned less and moved between fewer cloisters, but seen the simple road and been afraid. there was that desire to exist, and her days in the countryside were like some sick and grey intestine, which grew, and in which she lived as ever within nothing. she felt she could do anything, that she saw through the people who became like puddles, and only she remained to see as reality became a cloud.

Aidan (2024-09-23 21:24:05):
the day was grey, like it was lost somewhere. she looked up at the sky, upon the bleak edges of cloister arches, upon nothing. she had been received with some kind of reverence, and pity, though the latter made her somehow happy, the former made her ashamed. there was something so pitiable to her, she knew, and had she had any other sense of her days, something less purposeless, she might have wandered less and yearned less and moved between fewer cloisters, but seen the simple road and been afraid. there was that desire to exist, and her days in the countryside were like some sick and grey intestine, which grew, and in which she lived as ever within nothing. she felt she could do anything, that she saw through the people who became like puddles, and only she remained to see as reality became a cloud.

H (2024-09-23 18:45:53):
Shout out to Nadia I just had the most magical time with her in Lyon <3

H (2024-09-23 18:36:45):
Shout out to Nadia I just had the most magical time with her in Lyon <3

H (2024-09-23 18:35:46):
Which sorcerer created this

H (2024-09-23 18:35:23):
I can’t believe this
What is happening

Aidan (2024-09-23 17:41:00):
the day was grey, like it was lost somewhere. she looked up at the sky, upon the bleak edges of cloister arches, upon nothing. she had been received with some kind of reverence, and pity, though the latter made her somehow happy, the former made her ashamed. there was something so pitiable to her, she knew, and had she had any other sense of her days, something less purposeless, she might have wandered less and yearned less and moved between fewer cloisters, but seen the simple road and been afraid. there was that desire to exist, and her days in the countryside were like some sick and grey intestine, which grew, and in which she lived as ever within nothing. she felt she could do anything, that she saw through the people who became like puddles, and only she remained to see as reality became a cloud.

margery (2024-09-23 17:40:11):
And, as thei cam be a cros, hyr husbond sett hym down
undyr the cros, clepyng hys wyfe unto hym and seyng this wordys onto hir, "Margery,
grawnt me my desyr"

Aidan (2024-09-23 17:39:21):

Elias (2024-09-23 17:21:06):

victor (2024-09-23 17:17:40):