skullprism brainflood arc upon the ciel with memory am I two of me one enough to save the other greyfleshsea of there is little time this red heart so are to noah and

few details few dates wef was I in cold negativity plunged gravebrain woeweighed a feather betide my compasses mortality mine a map at donne’s evecrossing when shiptomb stirs with adam’s dreamflood unseedworld

charcoals are mirrors of the oil ones, does it remember me? once alived the franken stone came nought to the fathom, father with rope in silence of hand to alp my master all this creaturedness conumbdream snow in peltmouth blackawake and unforgraven knot

one is filled out without structure the other is pure, collapsing strungtincture boldmenace grailhands to hold candles in the stirmount a rat a rat whenwept firstlight my skulldawn meerconcussed made man his salt begunine palleteolith from lungdrawn cheminstry to coldmouthaine covenantserpentimetear

traces of the flood image of man rememberbrandt one bellblood hours of the trees in the centre of count circles around me beloved luftwafter sungfried sinnumb evensis heilflight to selfmeiosis this marxs properthcy incarnedineclass and mathbath applesoul and can’tcusp skullwomb hammerbellow off the redseasacred moundcalf, godkiller

warts on the allface spakefire drip the atem-baum upon the bellymine my hungerless class which deadtongues of seas alumlicked omphallic my birthabortion cervixmmeasure the garternight and bore silverrod the deathhole of my alpple corextraction

murallicinex staring trough at which himself white thing mullusc cerebrumine pape bare teat of milkwood’s pigmeant fleshtheoremed notthing on the arkdwell lived but foremast shade of drink lethic impertinent and forgot me not

paintime hidbidden, that to keep looking and observing is warrant for chestnutrain foolforest aren’t thou reedy a body at the shipveil waits in meadowlands with star of stars his face reflect with in finagain’s long bowbody bogbleibt firmament angelcress’ thee that o’ersaw our devotional pleanumb in oldest river yoreseed yewmouth with head at the pike of orest and thee aucheinbauer, crone of thumbs

hymnself his secret self his secret partflower on itself foldflooded tidemind devoursome Vikingian swordtilt hold chinward the artist to northumbright look, the mereror as it showers

skullbroken the abovine gazeark that deathdream hath rained out the ayes of bathtime with acidwilt and newtonbaum wot hut ees ead un changed thee wirld unto an orchard

limevault keep to lindisfarne, faucetface, burncoal his ein stein bright truth bratwahrst when in his whetstonewhite her came sparks fer formula affair fermula for every stare under eve n

facekiln less than eyes the breakchin inrod face without face facing what is face

doomlull the sweet hour is her looking up and away sometimes gazing romeantic hisself creapcreature in the gardenbomb off green: prove zero finsters as REM edenburns

prototonic a pure form almost chemical floodface tears realisation life is sin

meteoric fall of man as stoneflesh to the ashthroat the thought of the burnword has melted the tongue nomore this man is dead upon the destiny- root and his gauze is a perch

olde physicist his claymane pipe configurines a monk eye man full homours whose day is dead and thumbeyes

skullprism as in, both skull and her prismatic death and rainbow life regenbrow rainbrow floodbrow

smudge, nobel dynamite, sometimes sad is depressed that these icicles of hope too cold for my hands to touch as in prism structure an emptiness an endless a gazemotive off and soulbeam

see me in the floodface nucleargaze regnenbrow the rainbow of this


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