zwangzug or zugzwang is a regularly updating series of philosophical texts. in many respects, it is a philosophical journal. at present, it is run by myself and e. the idea behind either züge is that we are so incapacitated in our movement economically, politically, socially, and, ultimately, philosophically, vis-à-vis any number of institutional and societal failures, including, but not limited to,

academic degeneration (both our own and that of the university system itself), economic disenfranchisement, a totally disordered democracy, a toxic and careerist social world, and an anemic lack of philosophical systematicity (our improved model for which is the collective psychosis of german idealism within which it was "really believed" that what they were doing was uncovering the nature and structure of reality),

that, ultimately, we find ourselves in the position of having to move without being able to. or, in view of a dialectical reversal: without knowing how to move or if we even can move. we invite submissions.

the following, present issue is no.3, and follows e's and my experience of the recent ACLA (American Comaprative Literature Association) held in Montreal from March 14th-17th. it is called TOXIC DAYS.